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Movies Detail of Sweet Hours (1982)

✓ Title : Sweet Hours
✓ Original Title : Dulces horas
✓ Release Date : February 15th, 1982
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 106 minutes
✓ Directors : Francisco J. Querejeta, Carlos Saura, José Luis López-Linares, Gracia Querejeta, Carlos Saura Medrano
✓ Writer : Carlos Saura
✓ Companies : Elías Querejeta Producciones Cinematográficas S.L., Les Productions Jacques Roitfeld
✓ Countries : France, Spain
✓ Cast : Julien Thomast, Luisa Rodrigo, Iñaki Aierra, Jacques Lalande, Alicia Hermida, Assumpta Serna, Pedro Sempson, Alicia Sánchez, Álvaro de Luna, Isabel Mestres

Synopsis of Sweet Hours (1982)

Juan Sahagún, since childhood, feels passion for his mother. A day in the street sees a woman identical to her. He follows her and finds out that she works as an actress in a theater company, so Juan decides to hire the whole company to represent the people who have influenced him in his past. They recreate the same situations of yesteryear and Juan acts as the child he was, to relive the memories already forgotten.

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Well, Sweet Hours (1982) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Sweet Hours (1982) itselft directed by Francisco J. Querejeta, Carlos Saura, José Luis López-Linares, Gracia Querejeta, Carlos Saura Medrano and Starring by Julien Thomast, Luisa Rodrigo, Iñaki Aierra, Jacques Lalande, Alicia Hermida, Assumpta Serna, Pedro Sempson, Alicia Sánchez, Álvaro de Luna, Isabel Mestres which made Sweet Hours (1982) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Sweet Hours (1982)

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15 Feb 1982 #Spain