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Movies Detail of Speak Love (2019)

✓ Title : Speak Love
✓ Release Date : February 22nd, 2019
✓ Genres : Romance, Drama
✓ Director : Emmanuel Tardif
✓ Writer : Emmanuel Tardif
✓ Company : Kanif, productions tous terrains
✓ Country : Canada
✓ Cast : Léa Roy, Pier-Gabriel Lajoie, Shelby Jean-Baptiste, Patrick Abellard, Sylvio Archambault, Milya Corbeil-Gauvreau, Pier-Luc Funk, Nathalie Breuer

Synopsis of Speak Love (2019)

-A young girl, Liliane, leaves her empty house. She meets Maya, who's just a bit older. They bond, flee, fight, exchange passionate declarations - The dialogue is destabilizing and enigmatic, the shots are ingenious, and the black and white imagery nothing less than majestic. A film about wandering through simple places, seen in a thoroughly improbable way, with music seeping from the sets and doors opening between trees like so many narrative threads. Above all, this is a quest for infinite love. A waking dream, part poetic experiment and part art film, for the adventurous among us.

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Well, Speak Love (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Speak Love (2019) itselft directed by Emmanuel Tardif and Starring by Léa Roy, Pier-Gabriel Lajoie, Shelby Jean-Baptiste, Patrick Abellard, Sylvio Archambault, Milya Corbeil-Gauvreau, Pier-Luc Funk, Nathalie Breuer which made Speak Love (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Speak Love (2019)

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