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[[Full.Free Download]].1080p* Power Elite* 2002 Full Movie Watch Online Free


Movies Detail of Power Elite (2002)

✓ Title : Power Elite
✓ Release Date : April 5th, 2002
✓ Genre : Action
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Director : David Huey
✓ Writers : Dom Magwili, David Huey
✓ Company : Cine Excel Entertainment
✓ Cast : McKay Stewart, Mel Novak, Kimberlee Dee, Kruzel, Damian Foster, Olivier Gruner, Ron Hall, Rebecca Ferratti

Synopsis of Power Elite (2002)

The President of the United States, Jonathan Caine, prepares to sign a treaty banning chemical weapons. This signature, hoped for many years, is eagerly awaited. However, this gesture for peace does not delight everyone. An unknown terrorist organization appears suddenly. These criminals want to sabotage the treaty. As a warning, they strike a great blow by removing the right arm of Caine and destroying Air Force One, the plane reserved for the President.

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Power Elite (2002)

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5 Apr 2002 #