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Ver HD [Heat of Desire 1981] Pelicula Completa Online En Espanol


Movies Detail of Heat of Desire (1981)

✓ Title : Heat of Desire
✓ Original Title : Plein sud
✓ Release Date : April 29th, 1981
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 86 minutes
✓ Director : Luc Béraud
✓ Writers : Claude Miller, Luc Béraud
✓ Companies : Cinéproduction, Gaumont, Films Dara
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Patrick Dewaere, Robert Rimbaud, Luis Andrés, Clio Goldsmith, Guy Marchand, Roland Amstutz, Béatrice Camurat, José Luis López Vázquez, Jeanne Moreau, Pierre Dux

Synopsis of Heat of Desire (1981)

In France in the near future, revolt and chaos erupt. A right-wing politician, Philippe Muphand, is set to take control when his lady friend Caroline walks out, announcing she will take up with the first fool she sees. The fool is Serge Laine, a professor and author of the prize-winning "Le voyage qui ne finit pas," headed to the train station for tickets to Barcelona where he and his wife will enjoy a second honeymoon and he will lecture at the university. Caroline seduces Serge, and he soon abandons wife, family, job, and honesty to embrace Caroline, the romanticism of Jack London, and murder.

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Well, Heat of Desire (1981) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Heat of Desire (1981) itselft directed by Luc Béraud and Starring by Patrick Dewaere, Robert Rimbaud, Luis Andrés, Clio Goldsmith, Guy Marchand, Roland Amstutz, Béatrice Camurat, José Luis López Vázquez, Jeanne Moreau, Pierre Dux which made Heat of Desire (1981) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Heat of Desire (1981)

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29 Apr 1981 #France