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Ver HD The Horse on the Balcony Pelicula (2012) Online Completa [4K[1080p]


Movies Detail of The Horse on the Balcony (2012)

✓ Title : The Horse on the Balcony
✓ Original Title : Das Pferd auf dem Balkon
✓ Release Date : November 23rd, 2012
✓ Genres : Comedy, Family
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Hüseyin Tabak
✓ Writers : Milan Dor, Milo Dor
✓ Company : Mini Film
✓ Countries : Germany, Austria
✓ Cast : Ernst Stankovski, Nora Tschirner, Natasa Paunovic, Andreas Kiendl, Bibiane Zeller, Enzo Gaier, Murathan Muslu

Synopsis of The Horse on the Balcony (2012)

The discovery of a horse on the balcony of a neighbour’s apartment one winter’s night completely transforms the life of 10-year-old Mika, who embarks on a series of crazy adventures to save the horse before it’s too late.

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Well, The Horse on the Balcony (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Horse on the Balcony (2012) itselft directed by Hüseyin Tabak and Starring by Ernst Stankovski, Nora Tschirner, Natasa Paunovic, Andreas Kiendl, Bibiane Zeller, Enzo Gaier, Murathan Muslu which made The Horse on the Balcony (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Horse on the Balcony (2012)

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23 Nov 2012 #Austria