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[[Felipe Canasto]] Online Pelicula Completa en Latino Castellano


Movies Detail of Felipe Canasto (2011)

✓ Title : Felipe Canasto
✓ Release Date : May 14th, 2011
✓ Genres : Mystery, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Director : Darío Cardona Herreros
✓ Writer : Darío Cardona Herreros
✓ Companies : El Paso Films, Sette
✓ Country : Paraguay
✓ Cast : Jorge Báez, Hedy González Frutos, Ramón del Río, Humberto Gulino, Miguel Gómez, Carlos Alberto Ayala, María Elena Sacchero, Líber Fernández, Margarita Irún, Jesús Peréz

Synopsis of Felipe Canasto (2011)

1875. After the War of the Triple Alliance, Paraguay is shed of its male population. In a town without clear borders, three women will find a reason for love, thanks to a mysterious basket that they will guard with their lives. Thus was born the legend of Felipe, a being that would brought upon vengeance and death to all that saw him.

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Well, Felipe Canasto (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Felipe Canasto (2011) itselft directed by Darío Cardona Herreros and Starring by Jorge Báez, Hedy González Frutos, Ramón del Río, Humberto Gulino, Miguel Gómez, Carlos Alberto Ayala, María Elena Sacchero, Líber Fernández, Margarita Irún, Jesús Peréz which made Felipe Canasto (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Felipe Canasto (2011)

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14 May 2011 #Paraguay