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~Descargar! Héctor El Father: Conocerás la verdad Pelicula Completa >2018< en ESP y Latino


Movies Detail of Héctor El Father: Conocerás la verdad (2018)

✓ Title : Héctor El Father: Conocerás la verdad
✓ Release Date : March 22nd, 2018
✓ Genres : Drama, Documentary
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Joel Antonio Colón
✓ Writer : Christian Joel (C.J.) Lozada
✓ Company : Mar de Cristal Films
✓ Country : Puerto Rico
✓ Cast : Wisin, Héctor "El Father", Aidita Encarnación, Lian Machín, Rainier Quintana, Carlos Ferrer, Daddy Yankee

Synopsis of Héctor El Father: Conocerás la verdad (2018)

This autobiography of Hector Delgado runs from his childhood to become one of the greatest exponents of the urban genre, but the results of that life did not please him and led him to try to take his life .After being victim of a firefight at a service station in Aguada, a city hall in Puerto Rico, he stopped earning at least two hundred American dollars for presentation and being "devout of Jesus"

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Well, Héctor El Father: Conocerás la verdad (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Héctor El Father: Conocerás la verdad (2018) itselft directed by Joel Antonio Colón and Starring by Wisin, Héctor "El Father", Aidita Encarnación, Lian Machín, Rainier Quintana, Carlos Ferrer, Daddy Yankee which made Héctor El Father: Conocerás la verdad (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Héctor El Father: Conocerás la verdad (2018)

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22 Mar 2018 #Puerto Rico