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Streaming L'Inconnu de Strasbourg 1998 Film complet todaypk


Movies Detail of L'Inconnu de Strasbourg (1998)

✓ Title : L'Inconnu de Strasbourg
✓ Release Date : August 19th, 1998
✓ Genre : Thriller
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Valeria Sarmiento
✓ Writers : Gérard Mordillat, Raúl Ruiz, Valeria Sarmiento, Evelyne Pieiller
✓ Company : Gemini Films
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Charles Berling, Francis Freyburger, Laurence Masliah, Christian Vadim, Johan Leysen, Ornella Muti, Marie Payen

Synopsis of L'Inconnu de Strasbourg (1998)

Madeleine is with her lover, Jean-Paul, when her husband arrives home and catches the two together. Madeleine kills her husband and tells Jean-Paul to flee before the police arrive. After Jean-Paul drives away, he picks up a hitchhiker. When the car, stolen by the hitchhiker, explodes, police believe the dead hitchhiker is Jean-Paul. Madeleine takes up with Jean-Paul's brother, Bastien, while Jean-Paul, arriving in Strasbourg, is mistaken for the heir to a fortune. The detective on the case spends more time writing crime novels than investigating real-life crimes.

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Well, L'Inconnu de Strasbourg (1998) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The L'Inconnu de Strasbourg (1998) itselft directed by Valeria Sarmiento and Starring by Charles Berling, Francis Freyburger, Laurence Masliah, Christian Vadim, Johan Leysen, Ornella Muti, Marie Payen which made L'Inconnu de Strasbourg (1998) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

L'Inconnu de Strasbourg (1998)

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19 Aug 1998 #France