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[Télécharger* RoboCop 3 Streaming VF 1993 Regarder Film Streaming VF Complet HD En Vostfr


Movies Detail of RoboCop 3 (1993)

✓ Title : RoboCop 3
✓ Release Date : April 17th, 1993
✓ Genres : Action, Adventure, Crime, Science Fiction, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 104 minutes
✓ Director : Fred Dekker
✓ Writers : Frank Miller, Frank Miller, Edward Neumeier, Michael Miner, Fred Dekker
✓ Company : Orion Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Jodi Long, Mario Machado, John Castle, Mako, Edith Ivey, Nancy Allen, Rip Torn, John Posey, Bruce Locke, Robert John Burke

Synopsis of RoboCop 3 (1993)

The mega corporation Omni Consumer Products is still bent on creating their pet project, Delta City, to replace the rotting city of Detroit. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of the area have no intention of abandoning their homes simply for desires of the company. To this end, OCP have decided to force them to leave by employing a ruthless mercenary army to attack and harass them. An underground resistance begins and in this fight, Robocop must decide where his loyalties lie.

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Well, RoboCop 3 (1993) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The RoboCop 3 (1993) itselft directed by Fred Dekker and Starring by Jodi Long, Mario Machado, John Castle, Mako, Edith Ivey, Nancy Allen, Rip Torn, John Posey, Bruce Locke, Robert John Burke which made RoboCop 3 (1993) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

RoboCop 3 (1993)

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17 Apr 1993 #United States of America