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Watch The Zigzag Kid 2012 Hd Full Movie Free Streaming Online


Movies Detail of The Zigzag Kid (2012)

✓ Title : The Zigzag Kid
✓ Original Title : Nono, the Zigzag Kid
✓ Release Date : October 3rd, 2012
✓ Genres : Family, Adventure, Drama
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Director : Vincent Bal
✓ Writers : Vincent Bal, Jon Gilbert, David Grossman
✓ Company : BosBros
✓ Countries : Netherlands, United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Thomas Simon, Celia Nufaar, Jessica Zeylmaker, Fedja van Huêt, Camille De Pazzis, Raphaël Charlier, Eric De Kuyper, Gérard Meylan, Isabella Rossellini, Burghart Klaußner

Synopsis of The Zigzag Kid (2012)

Nono, a Dutch kid lacking two days being thirteen, runs away from problems at home and, disguised as a girl, takes up with the world's cleverest thief, who unbeknownst to Nono, may hold the bizarre key to his true identity.

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Well, The Zigzag Kid (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Zigzag Kid (2012) itselft directed by Vincent Bal and Starring by Thomas Simon, Celia Nufaar, Jessica Zeylmaker, Fedja van Huêt, Camille De Pazzis, Raphaël Charlier, Eric De Kuyper, Gérard Meylan, Isabella Rossellini, Burghart Klaußner which made The Zigzag Kid (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Zigzag Kid (2012)

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3 Oct 2012 #United Kingdom