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[VOIR~1080p]!!-[HD] Regarder!My Life as a Comedian 2019 (2019) Film Complet Free HD


Movies Detail of My Life as a Comedian (2019)

✓ Title : My Life as a Comedian
✓ Original Title : En komikers uppväxt
✓ Release Date : October 11th, 2019
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Rojda Sekersöz
✓ Writers : Jonas Gardell, Jonas Gardell
✓ Companies : Anagram Film, Film i Väst, SVT, SF Studio, Belga Productions
✓ Countries : Belgium, Sweden
✓ Cast : Anna Bjelkerud, Arvin Kananian, Ulla Skoog, Johan Rheborg, Maria Sid, Iman Mirbioki, Jakob Eklund, Fredrik Hallgren, Cilla Thorell, Leif Edlund

Synopsis of My Life as a Comedian (2019)

Juha, 12, class clown in the suburb of Sävbyholm, Sweden. To be funny is the only thing he is good at and all he wants is to fit in the social peckingorder at school. When Juha as an adult performs the show – My Life As A Comedian- to sold out theatres and tells the horrid and funny stories from his childhood to the audience he gets an unexpected visit from an old friend from school which makes him return to Sävbyholm and deal with his past.

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Well, My Life as a Comedian (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The My Life as a Comedian (2019) itselft directed by Rojda Sekersöz and Starring by Anna Bjelkerud, Arvin Kananian, Ulla Skoog, Johan Rheborg, Maria Sid, Iman Mirbioki, Jakob Eklund, Fredrik Hallgren, Cilla Thorell, Leif Edlund which made My Life as a Comedian (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

My Life as a Comedian (2019)

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11 Oct 2019 #Sweden