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Movies Detail of 522. A Cat, a Chinese Guy and My Father (2019)

✓ Title : 522. A Cat, a Chinese Guy and My Father
✓ Original Title : 522. Un gato, un chino y mi padre
✓ Release Date : July 5th, 2019
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Directors : Paco R. Baños, Paz Jiménez, Ana Rosa Diego, Carlos J. Sierra, Diego Allen
✓ Writer : Paco R. Baños
✓ Companies : Tarkemoto, Ukbar Films
✓ Countries : Spain, Portugal
✓ Cast : Sergio Domínguez, João Lagarto, Juanfra Juárez, Nadia de Santiago, Natalia de Molina, Miguel Borges, Maya Murofushi, Alberto Jo Lee, Manolo Solo, António Simão

Synopsis of 522. A Cat, a Chinese Guy and My Father (2019)

George, an agoraphobic young woman, cannot go more than 522 steps away from her home. One day, a personal tragedy forces her to embark on a journey from Spain to her native Portugal. Along the way, George's whole world begins to widen…

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Well, 522. A Cat, a Chinese Guy and My Father (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The 522. A Cat, a Chinese Guy and My Father (2019) itselft directed by Paco R. Baños, Paz Jiménez, Ana Rosa Diego, Carlos J. Sierra, Diego Allen and Starring by Sergio Domínguez, João Lagarto, Juanfra Juárez, Nadia de Santiago, Natalia de Molina, Miguel Borges, Maya Murofushi, Alberto Jo Lee, Manolo Solo, António Simão which made 522. A Cat, a Chinese Guy and My Father (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

522. A Cat, a Chinese Guy and My Father (2019)

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5 Jul 2019 #Portugal