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Paranormal Activity Security Squad 2016 Film complet netflix


Movies Detail of Paranormal Activity Security Squad (2016)

✓ Title : Paranormal Activity Security Squad
✓ Release Date : February 13th, 2016
✓ Genres : Horror, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Alexander Wraith
✓ Writer : Alexander Wraith
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Katie Heidy, Rigan Machado, Martin Durante, Bianca Bree, Sean Stone, Alexander Wraith

Synopsis of Paranormal Activity Security Squad (2016)

Paranormal Activity Security Squad is an indie comedy starring Bianca Van Damme (Welcome to the Jungle, U.F.O.), Sean Stone (Savages, Greystone Park), and Alexander Wraith (Orange is the New Black, Taken 3) as a group of 'ghostbusters' who are more hucksters than paranormal experts. However, when the P.A.S.S. team confronts real demons, they are forced to call upon sorcerer Mason Pike (Stone) for help in their investigations, which ultimately lead them to the doorstep of the devil himself.

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Well, Paranormal Activity Security Squad (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Paranormal Activity Security Squad (2016) itselft directed by Alexander Wraith and Starring by Katie Heidy, Rigan Machado, Martin Durante, Bianca Bree, Sean Stone, Alexander Wraith which made Paranormal Activity Security Squad (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Paranormal Activity Security Squad (2016)

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13 Feb 2016 #United States of America