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VER-HD∞) The Under-Undergrounds, the Beginning ( 2020 ) 🥇 Película completa Online


Movies Detail of The Under-Undergrounds, the Beginning (2020)

✓ Title : The Under-Undergrounds, the Beginning
✓ Original Title : Os Under Undergrounds, o Começo
✓ Release Date : August 20th, 2020
✓ Genre : Animation
✓ Runtime : 108 minutes
✓ Director : Nelson Botter Jr.
✓ Writers : Gisela Marques, Keka Reis, Nelson Botter Jr., Ricardo Grynszpan, Henrique Melhado, Hugo Oda, Rodolfo Vicentin
✓ Company : Tortuga Studios
✓ Country : Brazil
✓ Cast : Nestor Chiesse, Mariana Elizabetisky, Yuri Chesman, Melissa Garcia, Magda Crudelli, Fábio de Castro, Pascoal da Conceição, Bruna Guerin, Francisco Junior, Arthur Berges

Synopsis of The Under-Undergrounds, the Beginning (2020)

When a rejected guitar player falls into a manhole, he meets a welcoming group of misfit musicians who try to help him find his way back home.

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Well, The Under-Undergrounds, the Beginning (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Under-Undergrounds, the Beginning (2020) itselft directed by Nelson Botter Jr. and Starring by Nestor Chiesse, Mariana Elizabetisky, Yuri Chesman, Melissa Garcia, Magda Crudelli, Fábio de Castro, Pascoal da Conceição, Bruna Guerin, Francisco Junior, Arthur Berges which made The Under-Undergrounds, the Beginning (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Under-Undergrounds, the Beginning (2020)

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20 Aug 2020 #Brazil