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Ranchero 2008 Film complet 1080p


Movies Detail of Ranchero (2008)

✓ Title : Ranchero
✓ Release Date : July 11th, 2008
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Director : Michael Christian Cardoz
✓ Writer : Michael Christian Cardoz
✓ Company : Cinemalaya Foundation
✓ Country : Philippines
✓ Cast : Moises Magisa, Perry Escaño, Joselito Carascal, Luigi Nacario, Archie Adamos, Daniel Magisa, Gary Lim, Roberto Correa, Edwin Pamanian, Jess Evardone

Synopsis of Ranchero (2008)

Ranchero unfolds in a small provincial jail in Rizal. It's about Ricardo whose last day in jail is today. He and his close friend Miyong work in the jail's kitchen. The two spent the whole morning talking about Ricardo's plans when he gets out of jail. After lunch, one of the kitchen knives went missing and this was brought to the attention of jail officials. Not only will this event affect food preparation in the jail's kitchen but also the lives of both of them.

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Well, Ranchero (2008) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Ranchero (2008) itselft directed by Michael Christian Cardoz and Starring by Moises Magisa, Perry Escaño, Joselito Carascal, Luigi Nacario, Archie Adamos, Daniel Magisa, Gary Lim, Roberto Correa, Edwin Pamanian, Jess Evardone which made Ranchero (2008) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Ranchero (2008)

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11 Jul 2008 #Philippines