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Movies Detail of The Migration of the Angel (2002)

✓ Title : The Migration of the Angel
✓ Original Title : Angelozis gadaprena
✓ Release Date : January 18th, 2002
✓ Runtime : 77 minutes
✓ Director : Nodar Managadze
✓ Cast : No Casts Available

Synopsis of The Migration of the Angel (2002)

A metaphoric depiction of post-Soviet countries. The artificial environment of the USSR, built on an ideology that was not possible outside of theory has crumbled, but in its place the new cherished "freedom of democracy" remains merely the hollow words of concept. The film takes place in a vast building of a train station, resembling an aquarium. There the lost masses are ruled by chaos. The terror and misunderstandings of their country has been replaced by senseless and heartless bureaucracy. Having lost all hope, the travelers seek to abandon their country and find a new home, but the trains that come rushing through their station are not stopping. We meet people from all walks of life: a couple of lovers; a group of musicians; a priest; a thief; a banker carrying a briefcase of money; models walking idly on a podium; unhappy families; thieves, prostitutes. All seem trapped and cannot leave.

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Well, The Migration of the Angel (2002) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Migration of the Angel (2002) itselft directed by Nodar Managadze and Starring by which made The Migration of the Angel (2002) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Migration of the Angel (2002)

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18 Jan 2002 #