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123Movies The Great Kilapy (Watch Movies Online) Full Free (2012)


Movies Detail of The Great Kilapy (2012)

✓ Title : The Great Kilapy
✓ Original Title : O Grande Kilapy
✓ Release Date : September 7th, 2012
✓ Genres : Drama, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Zézé Gamboa
✓ Writers : Luís Alvarães, Luis Carlos Patraquim
✓ Companies : David & Golias, Raiz Produções Cinematográficas, Gamboa & Gamboa
✓ Countries : Angola, Brazil, Portugal
✓ Cast : João Lagarto, Silvia Rizzo, Patrícia Bull, Hermila Guedes, Buda Lira, Pedro Hossi, Lázaro Ramos, Pedro Carraca, São José Correia, Adriana Rebello

Synopsis of The Great Kilapy (2012)

Zézé Gamboa's sardonic historical drama follows a good-hearted, apolitical con man who, on the eve of Angolan independence in the mid-1970s, pulls off a massive swindle at the expense of the Portuguese colonial administration — and soon after finds himself hailed as a hero of the national liberation struggle.

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Well, The Great Kilapy (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Great Kilapy (2012) itselft directed by Zézé Gamboa and Starring by João Lagarto, Silvia Rizzo, Patrícia Bull, Hermila Guedes, Buda Lira, Pedro Hossi, Lázaro Ramos, Pedro Carraca, São José Correia, Adriana Rebello which made The Great Kilapy (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Great Kilapy (2012)

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