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Movies Detail of Magic Kingdom: Alamat ng Damortis (1997)

✓ Title : Magic Kingdom: Alamat ng Damortis
✓ Release Date : May 12th, 1997
✓ Directors : Lore Reyes, Peque Gallaga
✓ Writer : Erik Matti
✓ Companies : Neo Films, Viva Films
✓ Country : Philippines
✓ Cast : Jason Salcedo, Janus Del Prado, Mark Gil, Maricel Laxa, Jun Urbano, Anne Curtis, Ramon Christopher, Junell Hernando, Turko Cervantes, William Martinez

Synopsis of Magic Kingdom: Alamat ng Damortis (1997)

The Kingdom of Damortis was once ruled by the kind-hearted Empress Sofia (Maricel Laxa) who was ordered to be killed by Basilicus (Mark Gil), her brother who has a great desire for the throne. Princess Dahlia (Anne Curtis), heir to the throne elopes with the blind singer Mico (Ticson Uy). Amain (Jun Urbano) and his warrior trainees, Jobert (Jason Salcedo), Samuel (Junell Hernando), and Oman (Janus del Prado) are tasked to protect the princess and save Damortis from the evil forces of Basilicus.

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Well, Magic Kingdom: Alamat ng Damortis (1997) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Magic Kingdom: Alamat ng Damortis (1997) itselft directed by Lore Reyes, Peque Gallaga and Starring by Jason Salcedo, Janus Del Prado, Mark Gil, Maricel Laxa, Jun Urbano, Anne Curtis, Ramon Christopher, Junell Hernando, Turko Cervantes, William Martinez which made Magic Kingdom: Alamat ng Damortis (1997) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Magic Kingdom: Alamat ng Damortis (1997)

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12 May 1997 #Philippines