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[MP4~1080p] Download. Black Goddess Full Movie {Free Online} Hd 1080p


Movies Detail of Black Goddess (1978)

✓ Title : Black Goddess
✓ Original Title : A Deusa Negra
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1978
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Director : Ola Balogun
✓ Writer : Ola Balogun
✓ Companies : Afrocult Foundation, Magnus Filmes
✓ Countries : Brazil, Nigeria
✓ Cast : Antônio Pitanga, Ivan de Almeida, Sonia Santos, Clementino Kelé, Zózimo Bulbul, Jorge Coutinho, Roberto Pirillo, Milton Vilar, Emmanuel Cavalcanti, Léa Garcia

Synopsis of Black Goddess (1978)

A Deusa Negra is a love story that spans two centuries. In 18th century Yorubaland, Prince Oluyole is taken prisoner in the course of internecine warfare fanned by overseas slave traders. He is sold into slavery in Brazil. In present day Nigeria, at his father's deathbed, the young Babatunde promises to go to Brazil and search for traces of their once-enslaved ancestors. Beginning with a Candomblé ritual, his journey takes him ever deeper into this culture and, in a dream-like sequence, affords him a deeper understanding of his ancestors' suffering and powers of resistance. Balogun effortlessly links present with past, real with magical worlds and discourse with trance. The hypnotic atmosphere is also heightened by the music of the Nigerian drummer Remi Kabaka, which plays with repetitive patterns and distortions.

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Well, Black Goddess (1978) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Black Goddess (1978) itselft directed by Ola Balogun and Starring by Antônio Pitanga, Ivan de Almeida, Sonia Santos, Clementino Kelé, Zózimo Bulbul, Jorge Coutinho, Roberto Pirillo, Milton Vilar, Emmanuel Cavalcanti, Léa Garcia which made Black Goddess (1978) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Black Goddess (1978)

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1 Jan 1978 #Nigeria