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Ver [Drama] FIlm ~ Threesome de pelicula HD completa 1080p Sub-Espanol !!


Movies Detail of Threesome (2017)

✓ Title : Threesome
✓ Original Title : Le trip à trois
✓ Release Date : December 20th, 2017
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : Nicolas Monette
✓ Writers : Benoît Pelletier, Nicolas Monette, Caroline Allard, Rafaële Germain
✓ Companies : A Média, Amalga
✓ Country : Canada
✓ Cast : Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin, Rémi-Pierre Paquin, Julianne Côté, Anne-Élisabeth Bossé, Martin Matte, Geneviève Schmidt, Catherine Bérubé, Mylène Mackay, Bénédicte Décary, Karine Gonthier-Hyndman

Synopsis of Threesome (2017)

Estelle, 34, wife and mother of the family without history, sinks into a tidy, predictable life. But a series of events puts her identity in question. Worse, she realizes that the crux of the crisis is sexual. She decides to organize a "threesome". Challenge away from his comfort zone. She plunges into this mad quest, resulting with her spouse who feels just as incompetent.

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Well, Threesome (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Threesome (2017) itselft directed by Nicolas Monette and Starring by Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin, Rémi-Pierre Paquin, Julianne Côté, Anne-Élisabeth Bossé, Martin Matte, Geneviève Schmidt, Catherine Bérubé, Mylène Mackay, Bénédicte Décary, Karine Gonthier-Hyndman which made Threesome (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Threesome (2017)

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