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Is This Now 2017 Film complet Regarder for Gratuit


Movies Detail of Is This Now (2017)

✓ Title : Is This Now
✓ Release Date : October 21st, 2017
✓ Genres : Drama, Mystery, Romance
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Joe Scott
✓ Writer : Joe Scott
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Ruth Millar, Sabrina Dickens, Brigid Shine, Fabien Ara, Anu Hasan

Synopsis of Is This Now (2017)

A young girl, Ingrid (Sabrina Dickens) has been abused and disowned by her guardians and social workers. As she tries to get her life organised through the new social worker, Ms Murray (Anu Hasan) and a new friend Jade (Brigid Shine), Ingrid tries to build up courage to speak to males her own age, tries to talk and deal with her mental health and abuse.

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Well, Is This Now (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Is This Now (2017) itselft directed by Joe Scott and Starring by Ruth Millar, Sabrina Dickens, Brigid Shine, Fabien Ara, Anu Hasan which made Is This Now (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Is This Now (2017)

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21 Oct 2017 #United Kingdom