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Ver [Drama] FIlm ~ Sexual Dependency de pelicula HD completa 1080p Sub-Espanol !!


Movies Detail of Sexual Dependency (2003)

✓ Title : Sexual Dependency
✓ Original Title : Dependencia sexual
✓ Release Date : August 31st, 2003
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 104 minutes
✓ Director : Rodrigo Bellott
✓ Writers : Rodrigo Bellott, Lenelle N. Moise
✓ Companies : BoSD Films LLC, Bods Film LLC
✓ Countries : United States of America, Bolivia
✓ Cast : Matt Cavenaugh, Liv Fruyano, Jorge Antonio Saavedra, Alexandra Aponte, Roberto Urbina, Matthew Guida, Rodrigo Mendez-Roca, Ronica V. Reddick

Synopsis of Sexual Dependency (2003)

A poor girl, a rich stud, a university student and a model -- nothing in common, except the desire to experience true intimacy. Their stories unfold and overlap as each becomes victim to their own sexual dependencies, self-perceptions and illusions. Thematically structured around issues of femininity, masculinity, virginity, rape and sexuality, each teen struggles to make sense of their own identity, reaching for ideals that represent everything they feel they are supposed to be, but are not.

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Well, Sexual Dependency (2003) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Sexual Dependency (2003) itselft directed by Rodrigo Bellott and Starring by Matt Cavenaugh, Liv Fruyano, Jorge Antonio Saavedra, Alexandra Aponte, Roberto Urbina, Matthew Guida, Rodrigo Mendez-Roca, Ronica V. Reddick which made Sexual Dependency (2003) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Sexual Dependency (2003)

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31 Aug 2003 #Bolivia