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Download Havana Kyrie Full Movie Free 1080p


Movies Detail of Havana Kyrie (2020)

✓ Title : Havana Kyrie
✓ Release Date : September 2nd, 2020
✓ Genres : Drama, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Director : Paolo Consorti
✓ Writer : Alfredo Mazzara
✓ Companies : Vedado Films, Opera Totale, Ministero dei Beni e delle Attivita Culturali e del Turismo
✓ Countries : Cuba, Italy
✓ Cast : Luca Lionello, Kriemhild Maria Siegel, Fabio Braccioni, Jacqueline Arenal, Andros Perugorría, Franco Nero, Jorge Perugorría, Ron Perlman

Synopsis of Havana Kyrie (2020)

Against the fascinating backdrop of an ever marvellous Havana, Vittorio Arditi De Bellis, an aging Italian orchestra conductor once celebrated for specialising in Rossini's compositions, has fallen on hard times. However, some remember he delivered some of the best renditions of the Rossini-Kyrie, and he soon finds himself reluctantly on the way to Havana, Cuba, to conduct the Children's Cuban National Choir. Starting on the wrong foot he quickly finds himself on the verge of losing everything. Rossini's Cuban style and the choir's children are also protagonists in this heart-warming and nostalgic tale of living, loving, growing old and being unexpectedly surprised when he meets the Son he never knew he fathered years ago - Vittorio's past adds new purpose to his present, allowing an otherwise quirky old man to feel his passion and taste the 'spice of life' once again.

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Well, Havana Kyrie (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Havana Kyrie (2020) itselft directed by Paolo Consorti and Starring by Luca Lionello, Kriemhild Maria Siegel, Fabio Braccioni, Jacqueline Arenal, Andros Perugorría, Franco Nero, Jorge Perugorría, Ron Perlman which made Havana Kyrie (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Havana Kyrie (2020)

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