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Santa & Andres 2016 Film complet viooz


Movies Detail of Santa & Andres (2016)

✓ Title : Santa & Andres
✓ Original Title : Santa y Andrés
✓ Release Date : September 11th, 2016
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Director : Carlos Lechuga
✓ Writers : Eliseo Altunaga, Carlos Lechuga, Carlos Lechuga
✓ Companies : Producciones de la 5ta Avenida, Promenades Films, Igolai Producciones
✓ Countries : Colombia, Cuba, France
✓ Cast : Luna Tinoco, César Domínguez, Eduardo Martinez, George Abreu, Lola Amores, Ederlys Rodríguez, Maikel Alexi Sánchez

Synopsis of Santa & Andres (2016)

Santa, a peasant woman loyal to the Revolution, is sent to guard Andrés, a gay writer who is under house arrest, considered “ untrustworthy” for his ideas and sexuality by the Cuban authorities. Set in a small village in eastern Cuba during the early 1980s, this poignant political drama depicts an encounter between two deeply thoughtful souls on opposite sides of a profound cultural divide. Both have experienced deep loss, and both know the damaging effects of isolation and oppression. Even so, the cavernous ideological divide separating them — the same one that has separated Cuban friends and kin for over 50 years — has until now seemed insurmountable.

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Well, Santa & Andres (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Santa & Andres (2016) itselft directed by Carlos Lechuga and Starring by Luna Tinoco, César Domínguez, Eduardo Martinez, George Abreu, Lola Amores, Ederlys Rodríguez, Maikel Alexi Sánchez which made Santa & Andres (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Santa & Andres (2016)

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