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Movies Detail of Boys on Film 18: Heroes (2018)

✓ Title : Boys on Film 18: Heroes
✓ Release Date : April 18th, 2018
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 133 minutes
✓ Directors : Alejandro Medina , Kai Stänicke, Victor Lindgren, Niels Bourgonje, Søren Green, Tamara Shogaolu, Hope Dickson Leach, Mikael Bundsen, Sam Ashby, Dean Loxton
✓ Writer : Søren Green
✓ Company : Peccadillo Pictures
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Ciara Baxendale, Alexander Gustavsson, Volkmar Leif Gilbert, Daniel Cornelissen, Sean Hart, Jason Barker, Henry Garrett, Björn Elgerd, Karl-Erik Franzén, Jana Bringlöv Ekspong

Synopsis of Boys on Film 18: Heroes (2018)

Boys on Film comes of age with ten uplifting and powerful tales recounting the lives of everyday heroes with no special powers except striving for their own identities and fighting for the right for us all to be ourselves. Includes: AIDS: Doctors and Nurses tell their Stories (2017); An Evening [En aften] (2016); Buddy (2015); Dániel (2015); Half a Life (2017); It's Consuming Me (2012); Mother Knows Best [Mamma vet bäst] (2016); Silly Girl (2016); The Colour of His Hair (2017); Undress Me [Ta av mig] (2012).

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Well, Boys on Film 18: Heroes (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Boys on Film 18: Heroes (2018) itselft directed by Alejandro Medina , Kai Stänicke, Victor Lindgren, Niels Bourgonje, Søren Green, Tamara Shogaolu, Hope Dickson Leach, Mikael Bundsen, Sam Ashby, Dean Loxton and Starring by Ciara Baxendale, Alexander Gustavsson, Volkmar Leif Gilbert, Daniel Cornelissen, Sean Hart, Jason Barker, Henry Garrett, Björn Elgerd, Karl-Erik Franzén, Jana Bringlöv Ekspong which made Boys on Film 18: Heroes (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Boys on Film 18: Heroes (2018)

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18 Apr 2018 #United Kingdom