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©Ver»{HD}▷ Heinous Acts (2014) en LINEA Pelicula Completa Gratis


Movies Detail of Heinous Acts (2014)

✓ Title : Heinous Acts
✓ Release Date : November 30th, 2014
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Director : Tim Hannigan
✓ Writer : Tim Hannigan
✓ Company : Lakeport Pictures
✓ Country : Canada
✓ Cast : Jennifer Krukowski, Pat Hannigan, Luke Gallo, Shonna Brown, Paul Ferguson, James Burns, Tom Nelson, Daniel Cristofori, James McDougall, Sydney Kondruss

Synopsis of Heinous Acts (2014)

Some of the most heinous crimes Investigated... Inspired by old school anthology horror films like "Tales From The Crypt", "Creepshow", and "Tales From the Darkside The Movie", as well as creepy episodic television such as "The Twilight Zone" and "Alfred Hitchcock Presents", Heinous Acts is a modern twist on short subject horror stories combined into one non-stop nail-biting feature film. A small town police force has investigated some of the most unspeakable crimes imaginable. When the department's file clerk breaks into the evidence room to show the files to a new employee she is completely unprepared for the depravity that follows

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Well, Heinous Acts (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Heinous Acts (2014) itselft directed by Tim Hannigan and Starring by Jennifer Krukowski, Pat Hannigan, Luke Gallo, Shonna Brown, Paul Ferguson, James Burns, Tom Nelson, Daniel Cristofori, James McDougall, Sydney Kondruss which made Heinous Acts (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Heinous Acts (2014)

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30 Nov 2014 #Canada