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Medium Rare Pelicula Completa cenepolis Espanol ver gratis


Movies Detail of Medium Rare (1991)

✓ Title : Medium Rare
✓ Release Date : November 28th, 1991
✓ Genres : Crime, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 141 minutes
✓ Director : Arthur Smith
✓ Writers : Rani Moorthy, Margaret Chan
✓ Company : Derrol Stepenny Productions
✓ Country : Singapore
✓ Cast : Osman Zailani, Rani Moorthy, Clifton Turner, Lawrence Mah, Dore Kraus, Margaret Chan, Cara Chan, Jamie Marshall, Swee Lin Neo, Mary Tan

Synopsis of Medium Rare (1991)

The Medium is loosely based on the Toa Payoh ritual murders of 1981, and its perpetrator, Adrian Lim, with a supernatural twist to the ending. Lim murdered two children and was sentenced to death in 1988. However, in the movie ending, the main character based on Adrian Lim escaped from the prison and ran into an incoming truck where Satan catches him and subjected him to eternal torture. This was said to be added to re-assure audience that crime does not pay.

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Well, Medium Rare (1991) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Medium Rare (1991) itselft directed by Arthur Smith and Starring by Osman Zailani, Rani Moorthy, Clifton Turner, Lawrence Mah, Dore Kraus, Margaret Chan, Cara Chan, Jamie Marshall, Swee Lin Neo, Mary Tan which made Medium Rare (1991) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Medium Rare (1991)

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28 Nov 1991 #Singapore