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Movies Detail of And Then We Danced (2019)

✓ Title : And Then We Danced
✓ Original Title : და ჩვენ ვიცეკვეთ
✓ Release Date : September 13th, 2019
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 113 minutes
✓ Director : Levan Akin
✓ Writer : Levan Akin
✓ Companies : French Quarter Film AB, Takes Film, AMA Productions, RMV Film, Inland Film, SVT, Svenska Filminstitutet, La Région Île-de-France, L'Aide aux Cinémas du Monde, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee
✓ Countries : France, Georgia, Sweden
✓ Cast : Tamar Bukhnikashvili, Levan Gelbakhiani, Kakha Gogidze, Mate Khidasheli, Ninutsa Gabisonia, Aleko Begalishvili, Giorgi Tsereteli, Bachi Valishvili, Ana Javakishvili, Anano Makharadze

Synopsis of And Then We Danced (2019)

Merab has been training since a young age at the National Georgian Ensemble with his dance partner Mary. His world is suddenly turned upside down when the charismatic and carefree Irakli arrives and becomes both his strongest rival and desire. In this conservative setting Merab finds himself having to break free and risk it all.

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Well, And Then We Danced (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The And Then We Danced (2019) itselft directed by Levan Akin and Starring by Tamar Bukhnikashvili, Levan Gelbakhiani, Kakha Gogidze, Mate Khidasheli, Ninutsa Gabisonia, Aleko Begalishvili, Giorgi Tsereteli, Bachi Valishvili, Ana Javakishvili, Anano Makharadze which made And Then We Danced (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

And Then We Danced (2019)

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13 Sep 2019 #Sweden