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Movies Detail of Miss Tacuarembo (2010)

✓ Title : Miss Tacuarembo
✓ Original Title : Miss Tacuarembó
✓ Release Date : July 1st, 2010
✓ Genres : Drama, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Martín Sastre
✓ Writer : Martín Sastre
✓ Countries : Argentina, Spain, Uruguay
✓ Cast : Alejandro Tous, Diego Reinhold, Mirella Pascual, Graciela Borges, Rossy de Palma, Natalia Oreiro, Mike Amigorena, Mónica Villa

Synopsis of Miss Tacuarembo (2010)

Miss Tacuarembó is a unique mixture of drama, comedy, musical with touches of parody and nostalgia which for its beautiful narration will attract many open-minded viewers not only in Latin American world. The story of Natalia, the main hero, and her life's struggles is shown in different three eras of her life.

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Well, Miss Tacuarembo (2010) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Miss Tacuarembo (2010) itselft directed by Martín Sastre and Starring by Alejandro Tous, Diego Reinhold, Mirella Pascual, Graciela Borges, Rossy de Palma, Natalia Oreiro, Mike Amigorena, Mónica Villa which made Miss Tacuarembo (2010) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Miss Tacuarembo (2010)

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1 Jul 2010 #Uruguay