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Movies Detail of Vampus horror tales (1970)

✓ Title : Vampus horror tales
✓ Release Date : Unknown
✓ Genres : Horror, Comedy, Romance
✓ Directors : Víctor Matellano, Manuel M. Velasco, Erika Elizalde, Isaac Berrocal, Piter Moreira
✓ Writers : Yolanda García Serrano, Víctor Matellano, Víctor Matellano, Isaac Berrocal, Diego Arjona, Ignacio López, Piter Moreira, victoria Vázquez
✓ Company : Argot Films
✓ Countries : Spain, Uruguay
✓ Cast : Elena Furiase, Montse Pla, Nacho Guerreros, Felix Gomez, Vicky Jorge, Saturnino García, Erika Sanz, Federico Repetto, Dunia Rodríguez

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Well, Vampus horror tales (1970) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Vampus horror tales (1970) itselft directed by Víctor Matellano, Manuel M. Velasco, Erika Elizalde, Isaac Berrocal, Piter Moreira and Starring by Elena Furiase, Montse Pla, Nacho Guerreros, Felix Gomez, Vicky Jorge, Saturnino García, Erika Sanz, Federico Repetto, Dunia Rodríguez which made Vampus horror tales (1970) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Vampus horror tales (1970)

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