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Regarder Bikes: The Movie 2018 Bluray x264 AC3-EVO


Movies Detail of Bikes: The Movie (2018)

✓ Title : Bikes: The Movie
✓ Release Date : April 18th, 2018
✓ Genres : Animation, Adventure, Family
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Manuel J. García
✓ Writers : Michael Maurer, John Michael Boughn
✓ Company : Animation Bikes
✓ Countries : Argentina, China, Spain
✓ Cast : Pedro Suero, Marta Aparicio, Perico Delgado, María Querol, Silvia Cabrera Martínez, Anabel Alonso, Roberto Merhi, Carlos Latre

Synopsis of Bikes: The Movie (2018)

Life for the bike citizens is idyllic, until one day, a new and surprising gizmo, the gas engine, comes to town. What follows is a thrilling, hilarious adventure, that will see Speedy the mountain bike become the unwitting leader of a group of environmental activists, who are determined to stop the gas engine from polluting their unspoilt haven.

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Well, Bikes: The Movie (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Bikes: The Movie (2018) itselft directed by Manuel J. García and Starring by Pedro Suero, Marta Aparicio, Perico Delgado, María Querol, Silvia Cabrera Martínez, Anabel Alonso, Roberto Merhi, Carlos Latre which made Bikes: The Movie (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Bikes: The Movie (2018)

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18 Apr 2018 #Spain