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Movies Detail of Hanussen (1988)

✓ Title : Hanussen
✓ Release Date : May 20th, 1988
✓ Genres : Science Fiction, History, Drama, Fantasy
✓ Runtime : 140 minutes
✓ Director : István Szabó
✓ Writers : Péter Dobai, István Szabó, Gabriella Prekop, Gabriella Prekop, Heinz Freitag
✓ Companies : ZDF, Hungarofilm, Mafilm, Central Cinema Company Film (CCC), Mokép, Objektív Filmstúdió Vállalat
✓ Countries : Austria, Germany, Hungary
✓ Cast : Adrianna Biedrzyńska, Michal Bajor, Erland Josephson, Colette Pilz-Warren, Károly Eperjes, Walter Schmidinger, György Cserhalmi, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Grażyna Szapołowska, Ildikó Bánsági

Synopsis of Hanussen (1988)

A man's story parallels Hitler's rise. Austrian Klaus Schneider, wounded in World War I, recovers in the care of Dr. Emil Bettleheim. Bettleheim discovers that Schneider possesses powers of empathy and of clairvoyance, such that could aid suicidal patients. After the war, with one friend as his manager and another as his lover, Schneider changes his name to Eric Jan Hanussen and goes to Berlin, as a hypnotist and clairvoyant performing in halls and theaters. He always speaks the truth, which brings him to the attention of powerful Nazis. He predicts their rise (good propaganda for them) and their violence (not so good). He's in pain and at risk. What is Hanussen's future?

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Well, Hanussen (1988) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Hanussen (1988) itselft directed by István Szabó and Starring by Adrianna Biedrzyńska, Michal Bajor, Erland Josephson, Colette Pilz-Warren, Károly Eperjes, Walter Schmidinger, György Cserhalmi, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Grażyna Szapołowska, Ildikó Bánsági which made Hanussen (1988) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Hanussen (1988)

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20 May 1988 #Hungary