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(Regarder!) Entangled Streaming VF (2019!Film) Gratuit En ligne


Movies Detail of Entangled (2019)

✓ Title : Entangled
✓ Release Date : October 11th, 2019
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Director : Milena Lurie
✓ Writer : Milena Lurie
✓ Cast : Shiloh Verrico, Peter Mark Kendall, Katerina Tannenbaum, Ana Girardot, Theodora Miranne, Gemma Massot, Jay Wilkison, Grégory Fitoussi, Lucy Walters, Jonathan Cake

Synopsis of Entangled (2019)

Marin is a young French woman living in New York City who finds herself disconnected from her body, boyfriend and family. During a tumultuous weekend, highlighted by chance encounters with a stranger and an ex-boyfriend, she starts to find her voice.

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Well, Entangled (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Entangled (2019) itselft directed by Milena Lurie and Starring by Shiloh Verrico, Peter Mark Kendall, Katerina Tannenbaum, Ana Girardot, Theodora Miranne, Gemma Massot, Jay Wilkison, Grégory Fitoussi, Lucy Walters, Jonathan Cake which made Entangled (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Entangled (2019)

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11 Oct 2019 #