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Movies Detail of Il Vangelo secondo Mattei (2017)

✓ Title : Il Vangelo secondo Mattei
✓ Release Date : October 26th, 2017
✓ Directors : Pascal Zullino, Antonio Andrisani
✓ Cast : Cinzia Clemente, Andrea Osvárt, Ludovica Modugno, Walter Nicoletti, Antonio Andrisani, Mimmo Calopresti, Flavio Bucci, Gigi Angiulli, Giovanni Ferrari, Enrique Irazoqui

Synopsis of Il Vangelo secondo Mattei (2017)

A cinic director and his assistant come back to Basilicata, their homeland, looking for redemption. 50 years aged and aristically loser, they try to shoot a rickety investigative movie titled "Il Vangelo secondo Mattei" in the same location where Pasolini filmed his "The Gospel According to St. Matthew" but focusing on the disasters caused by oil extractions in their wasteland of Basilicata, in the south of Italy. As main character, they choose Franco, 70 years old, that was an extra in Pasolini film...

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Well, Il Vangelo secondo Mattei (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Il Vangelo secondo Mattei (2017) itselft directed by Pascal Zullino, Antonio Andrisani and Starring by Cinzia Clemente, Andrea Osvárt, Ludovica Modugno, Walter Nicoletti, Antonio Andrisani, Mimmo Calopresti, Flavio Bucci, Gigi Angiulli, Giovanni Ferrari, Enrique Irazoqui which made Il Vangelo secondo Mattei (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Il Vangelo secondo Mattei (2017)

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