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Ver For A Happy Life 《2018》 Online Película Completa en Español Latino Gratis


Movies Detail of For A Happy Life (2018)

✓ Title : For A Happy Life
✓ Original Title : Pour vivre heureux
✓ Release Date : December 5th, 2018
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Directors : Dimitri Linder, Salima Sarah Glamine
✓ Writers : Dimitri Linder, Salima Sarah Glamine
✓ Companies : Tarantula, Tarantula
✓ Countries : Belgium, Luxembourg
✓ Cast : Sofia Lesaffre, Zeerak Christopher, Atiya Rashid, Arsha Iqbal, Salomé Dewaels, Pascal Elbé

Synopsis of For A Happy Life (2018)

Challenging the burden of family traditions, the young Amel and Mashir live a secret and passionate love story. An arranged marriage between him and Amel’s new best friend will put their relationship in danger. Tearing apart social conventions seems to be the only way to stay together.

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Well, For A Happy Life (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The For A Happy Life (2018) itselft directed by Dimitri Linder, Salima Sarah Glamine and Starring by Sofia Lesaffre, Zeerak Christopher, Atiya Rashid, Arsha Iqbal, Salomé Dewaels, Pascal Elbé which made For A Happy Life (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

For A Happy Life (2018)

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