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Movies Detail of The Latin Dream (2017)

✓ Title : The Latin Dream
✓ Release Date : June 29th, 2017
✓ Genres : Romance, Drama, Music
✓ Director : Louis Medina
✓ Writer : Fernando Sosa
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Tatiana Bonaguro, Carolina Sosa, Fernando Sosa, Alice Atzeni, Maykel Fonts, Antonio Scartozzi, Shearley Alicea Claudio, Marco Berretta, Deborah Ciccaldo, Chiquito Yovanny Felis

Synopsis of The Latin Dream (2017)

Fernando ( Fernando Sosa) is a famous dancer of Caribbean dances. With his partner Sharon ( Tatiana Bonaguro) they are considered unbeatable in the world of acrobatic salsa, technique and for their perfectionism.But Fernando feels like a slave of a style label,, which forces him to act like the perfect dancer. The encounter with Carolina ( Shearley Alicea) , a very ordinary girl who comes from the downtown, will be the event which Fernando encounters the passional and spontaneous side of dance. It won't be easy to defeat the unscrupulous champions, but wit the power of love everything is possible.

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Well, The Latin Dream (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Latin Dream (2017) itselft directed by Louis Medina and Starring by Tatiana Bonaguro, Carolina Sosa, Fernando Sosa, Alice Atzeni, Maykel Fonts, Antonio Scartozzi, Shearley Alicea Claudio, Marco Berretta, Deborah Ciccaldo, Chiquito Yovanny Felis which made The Latin Dream (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Latin Dream (2017)

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29 Jun 2017 #Italy