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Streaming The Jinkx and DeLa Holiday Special 2020 Film complet xcomplets8

Movies Detail of The Jinkx and DeLa Holiday Special (2020)

✓ Title : The Jinkx and DeLa Holiday Special
✓ Release Date : December 1st, 2020
✓ Runtime : 65 minutes
✓ Director : BenDeLaCreme
✓ Writers : Jinkx Monsoon, BenDeLaCreme
✓ Company : BenDeLaCreme Presents
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Chloe Albin, Varla Jean Merman, Moscato Extatique, Jinkx Monsoon, BenDeLaCreme, Shane Donohue, Cameron Birts, Elby Brosch, Jordan Iosua Taylor, Sann Hall

Synopsis of The Jinkx and DeLa Holiday Special (2020)

The story of two queens who set out to create a classic Christmas TV variety show, but just can’t agree on how. White DeLa tries her hardest to uphold the cheery Christmas traditions of her childhood, Jinkx is much more interested in bawdy jokes, cute boys, and boozy libations. After some hilarious insight into the ghosts of their very different Christmas pasts, and with the help of a mysterious naked man with a surprising holiday secret, the two realize that tradition can be whatever we make of it, and family is whomever we choose.

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Well, The Jinkx and DeLa Holiday Special (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Jinkx and DeLa Holiday Special (2020) itselft directed by BenDeLaCreme and Starring by Chloe Albin, Varla Jean Merman, Moscato Extatique, Jinkx Monsoon, BenDeLaCreme, Shane Donohue, Cameron Birts, Elby Brosch, Jordan Iosua Taylor, Sann Hall which made The Jinkx and DeLa Holiday Special (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Jinkx and DeLa Holiday Special (2020)

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1 Dec 2020 #United States of America