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❖Free Download❖~ Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema ~ [1990] Dvdrip Full Movie English Subtitle


Movies Detail of Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema (1990)

✓ Title : Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema
✓ Original Title : Ucieczka z kina 'Wolność'
✓ Release Date : October 14th, 1990
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Wojciech Marczewski
✓ Writer : Wojciech Marczewski
✓ Companies : Crone Film Produktion A/S, Zespól Filmowy "Tor"
✓ Country : Poland
✓ Cast : Henryk Bista, Piotr Fronczewski, Aleksander Bednarz, Monika Bolly, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Jerzy Bińczycki, Janusz Gajos, Zygmunt Bielawski, Artur Barciś, Władysław Kowalski

Synopsis of Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema (1990)

The film is set just before Poland's communist regime came to an end, and the central character is a provincial censor (Janusz Gajos), a tired, sloppy, lonely man, whose wife has long since left him. For him, censorship is both an art and a game, but he does not enjoy it. During a screening of a sentimental Polish melodrama called "Daybreak" at the Liberty cinema across the road from the censor's office, the actors start to rebel and refuse to speak their lines. There is anarchy and when the censor is unable to control the situation, senior party officials are called in. Eventually a film critic notes that the situation reminds of "The Purple Rose of Cairo" by Woody Allen and brings a reel of the film to demonstrate. The officials watch the film with amusement until another mix-up occurs: the second projector is turned on accidentally and superimposes "Daybreak" over "Purple Rose".

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Well, Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema (1990) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema (1990) itselft directed by Wojciech Marczewski and Starring by Henryk Bista, Piotr Fronczewski, Aleksander Bednarz, Monika Bolly, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Jerzy Bińczycki, Janusz Gajos, Zygmunt Bielawski, Artur Barciś, Władysław Kowalski which made Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema (1990) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema (1990)

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14 Oct 1990 #Poland