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Movies Detail of Bolivar Is Me (2002)

✓ Title : Bolivar Is Me
✓ Original Title : Bolivar soy Yo
✓ Release Date : June 7th, 2002
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Jorge Alí Triana
✓ Writers : Alberto Quiroga, Jorge Alí Triana, Manuel Arias
✓ Country : Colombia
✓ Cast : Maria Eugenia Davila, Jairo Camargo, Amparo Grisales, Robinson Díaz, Vicky Rueda, Fanny Mikey

Synopsis of Bolivar Is Me (2002)

Santiago Miranda¸ an actor representing Bolivar in a television series¸ leaves furious recording because it disagrees with the scripts they oblige die Bolívar¸ against the wall. Between the lucidity and the madness¸ Miranda really acts as a Bolívar prepared to perform any act that allows to conclude the unifying of the Liberator task and as an actor which seeks to rewrite reality to make it look to the dreams of Simón Bolívar.

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Well, Bolivar Is Me (2002) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Bolivar Is Me (2002) itselft directed by Jorge Alí Triana and Starring by Maria Eugenia Davila, Jairo Camargo, Amparo Grisales, Robinson Díaz, Vicky Rueda, Fanny Mikey which made Bolivar Is Me (2002) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Bolivar Is Me (2002)

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7 Jun 2002 #Colombia