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VER.Beware of Children~[1080p!] (2019) pelicula completa en español latino MEGA.


Movies Detail of Beware of Children (2019)

✓ Title : Beware of Children
✓ Original Title : Barn
✓ Release Date : September 13th, 2019
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 157 minutes
✓ Director : Dag Johan Haugerud
✓ Writer : Dag Johan Haugerud
✓ Companies : Motlys, ArtHaus, Plattform Produktion, Film i Väst, Norsk Filminstitutt
✓ Countries : Norway, Sweden
✓ Cast : Ella Øverbye, Hans Olav Brenner, Brynjar Åbel Bandlien, Andrea Bræin Hovig, Anne Marit Jacobsen, Jan Gunnar Røise, Henriette Steenstrup, Tone Danielsen, Thorbjørn Harr, Trine Wiggen

Synopsis of Beware of Children (2019)

During a break in school 13 year-old Lykke, the daughter of a prominent Labour Party member, seriously injures her classmate Jamie, the son of a high profile right-wing politician.

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Well, Beware of Children (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Beware of Children (2019) itselft directed by Dag Johan Haugerud and Starring by Ella Øverbye, Hans Olav Brenner, Brynjar Åbel Bandlien, Andrea Bræin Hovig, Anne Marit Jacobsen, Jan Gunnar Røise, Henriette Steenstrup, Tone Danielsen, Thorbjørn Harr, Trine Wiggen which made Beware of Children (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Beware of Children (2019)

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