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Movies Detail of Escape: Puzzle of Fear (2020)

✓ Title : Escape: Puzzle of Fear
✓ Release Date : August 18th, 2020
✓ Genre : Thriller
✓ Runtime : 83 minutes
✓ Director : J. Jones
✓ Writer : Lizze Gordon
✓ Cast : Naina Michaud, Omar Gooding, Tommy Nash, Nicholas Turturro, Aubrey Reynolds

Synopsis of Escape: Puzzle of Fear (2020)

Hot-shot Hollywood agent Matthew Blake has a dark past. He thinks that he is on his way to a double date with his oldest friend to a new Escape Room in Los Angeles. When the couples are locked into the Escape Room, Matthew quickly finds himself at the center of a revenge plot meant to right the wrongs of his past, with deadly results.

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Well, Escape: Puzzle of Fear (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Escape: Puzzle of Fear (2020) itselft directed by J. Jones and Starring by Naina Michaud, Omar Gooding, Tommy Nash, Nicholas Turturro, Aubrey Reynolds which made Escape: Puzzle of Fear (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Escape: Puzzle of Fear (2020)

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18 Aug 2020 #