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Streaming The Other Side of Sunday 1996 Film complet Streaming En ligne


Movies Detail of The Other Side of Sunday (1996)

✓ Title : The Other Side of Sunday
✓ Original Title : Søndagsengler
✓ Release Date : February 9th, 1996
✓ Genres : Drama, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 103 minutes
✓ Director : Berit Nesheim
✓ Writers : Berit Nesheim, Lasse Glomm, Reidun Nortvedt
✓ Companies : NRK Drama, Norsk Filminstitutt
✓ Country : Norway
✓ Cast : Ann Kristin Rasmussen, Martin Dahl Garfalk, Marie Theisen, Hallvard Holmen, Ina Sofie Brodahl, Jørgen Langhelle, Kai Kennet Hanson, Sylvia Salvesen, Hildegun Riise, Bjørn Sundquist

Synopsis of The Other Side of Sunday (1996)

The Other Side of Sunday, also known in Norwegian as "Søndagsengler", is a movie that criticizes the small, and often tight, church community. We follow the Preacher's Daughter, Maria, on her journey to liberate herself from the stiff church community and her father.

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Well, The Other Side of Sunday (1996) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Other Side of Sunday (1996) itselft directed by Berit Nesheim and Starring by Ann Kristin Rasmussen, Martin Dahl Garfalk, Marie Theisen, Hallvard Holmen, Ina Sofie Brodahl, Jørgen Langhelle, Kai Kennet Hanson, Sylvia Salvesen, Hildegun Riise, Bjørn Sundquist which made The Other Side of Sunday (1996) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Other Side of Sunday (1996)

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The Other Side of Sunday Story Details - Often strictly defined as a literary genre or form, though in practice it is also found in the graphic and performing arts. In satire, human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or shortcomings are held up to censure by means of ridicule, derision, burlesque, irony, or other methods, ideally with the intent to bring about improvement. Satire is usually meant to be funny, but its purpose is not primarily humour as an attack on something the author disapproves of, using wit. A common, almost defining feature of satire is its strong vein of irony or sarcasm, but parody, burlesque, exaggeration, juxtaposition, comparison, analogy, and double entendre all frequently appear in satirical speech and writing. The essential point, is that "in satire, irony is militant." This "militant irony" (or sarcasm) often professes to approve (or at least accept as natural) the very things the satirist actually wishes to attack.

The Other Side of Sunday Ver Español - A literary genre about various magical creatures, environments, et cetera. Many fairy tales are generally targeted for children.

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The Other Side of Sunday Film Completo - Urban fiction, also known as street lit, is a literary genre set, as the name implies, in a city landscape; however, the genre is as much defined by the race and culture of its characters as the urban setting. The tone for urban fiction is usually dark, focusing on the underside. Profanity (all of George Carlins seven dirty words and urban variations thereof), sex and violence are usually explicit, with the writer not shying away from or watering-down the material. In this respect, urban fiction shares some common threads with dystopian or survivalist fiction. In the second wave of urban fiction, some variations of this model have been seen.

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The Other Side of Sunday Full Movie Redbox - A horror story is told to deliberately scare or frighten the audience, through suspense, violence or shock. H. P. Lovecraft distinguishes two primary varieties in the "Introduction" to Supernatural Horror in Literature: 1) Physical Fear or the "mundanely gruesome" and 2) the true Supernatural Horror story or the "Weird Tale". The supernatural variety is occasionally called "dark fantasy", since the laws of nature must be violated in some way, thus qualifying the story as "fantastic".

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