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Regarder Alberto and the Concrete Jungle ~ (Alberto and the Concrete Jungle - 1970) ~ Film Complet 1080p Google.Drive [Mp4]

Movies Detail of Alberto and the Concrete Jungle (1970)

✓ Title : Alberto and the Concrete Jungle
✓ Release Date : Unknown
✓ Director : Chris Shimojima
✓ Writer : Chris Shimojima
✓ Cast : David Shih, Sonia Couling, Alejandro Santoni, Tony Naumovski, David Pendleton, Julia Voshell, Rami Margron, Jacob A. Ware

Synopsis of Alberto and the Concrete Jungle (1970)

Al B. is a modern nomad. He's a photojournalist who lives alone on the road and idolizes Indiana Jones, spending his free time searching for fun adventures to get involved in. The world is his playground. As soon as he makes a new friend, he's saying goodbye, off to a new destination. But leaving NYC proves absurdly difficult when a corrupt employer decides to hold him down. Al's attempts to find a way out lead him across NYC's 5 boroughs, forcing him to deal with various colorful characters that further complicate the process and, in some cases, make him question his nomadic lifestyle altogether.

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Well, Alberto and the Concrete Jungle (1970) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Alberto and the Concrete Jungle (1970) itselft directed by Chris Shimojima and Starring by David Shih, Sonia Couling, Alejandro Santoni, Tony Naumovski, David Pendleton, Julia Voshell, Rami Margron, Jacob A. Ware which made Alberto and the Concrete Jungle (1970) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Alberto and the Concrete Jungle (1970)

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