Movies Detail of Reach for the Sky (1990)
✓ Title : Reach for the Sky
✓ Original Title : Campioana
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1990
✓ Genres : Drama, Family
✓ Runtime : 87 minutes
✓ Director : Elisabeta Bostan
✓ Writers : Rock Demers, Elisabeta Bostan, Vasilica Istrate
✓ Companies : Artex Film, Les Productions La Fête Inc., România Film
✓ Countries : Canada, Romania
✓ Cast : Mircea Diaconu, Maria Ploae, Izabela Moldovan, Aurel Giurumia, Luminița Gheorghiu, Alina Izvoranu, George Mihăiță, Carmen Galin, Petricia Nicolae, Diana Lupescu
Synopsis of Reach for the Sky (1990)
A story about young gymnasts in Romania.
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Well, Reach for the Sky (1990) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Reach for the Sky (1990) itselft directed by Elisabeta Bostan and Starring by Mircea Diaconu, Maria Ploae, Izabela Moldovan, Aurel Giurumia, Luminița Gheorghiu, Alina Izvoranu, George Mihăiță, Carmen Galin, Petricia Nicolae, Diana Lupescu which made Reach for the Sky (1990) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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