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The Duel 2016 Film complet Streaming En ligne Gratuit 123complets


Movies Detail of The Duel (2016)

✓ Title : The Duel
✓ Release Date : June 24th, 2016
✓ Genres : Western, Drama
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Directors : Kieran Darcy-Smith, Melinda Taksen
✓ Writer : Matt Cook
✓ Companies : Media House Capital, 26 Films, Mandeville Films, Atomic Entertainment, Bron Capital Partners, Lionsgate Premiere, Mississippix Studios, Crystal Wealth
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Raphael Sbarge, Giles Matthey, José Zúñiga, Christopher James Baker, Alice Braga, Woody Harrelson, Emory Cohen, Liam Hemsworth, William Sadler, Felicity Price

Synopsis of The Duel (2016)

A Texas Ranger investigates a series of unexplained deaths in a town called Helena.

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Well, The Duel (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Duel (2016) itselft directed by Kieran Darcy-Smith, Melinda Taksen and Starring by Raphael Sbarge, Giles Matthey, José Zúñiga, Christopher James Baker, Alice Braga, Woody Harrelson, Emory Cohen, Liam Hemsworth, William Sadler, Felicity Price which made The Duel (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Duel (2016)

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24 Jun 2016 #United States of America