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Movies Detail of Before the Streets (2016)

✓ Title : Before the Streets
✓ Original Title : Avant les rues
✓ Release Date : February 18th, 2016
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Directors : Catherine Lachance, Chloé Leriche
✓ Writer : Chloé Leriche
✓ Company : Les Films de L'Autre
✓ Country : Canada
✓ Cast : Rykko Bellemare, Janis Ottawa, Kwena Bellemare Boivin, Martin Dubreuil, Jacques Newashish

Synopsis of Before the Streets (2016)

Menacing smoke rises over the forests of Manawan. Shawnouk has lost touch with the traditions of the Atikamekw people, and he struggles with daily life on the reservation. His mother's boyfriend is a policeman, and though he means well, Shawnouk won't accept him as part of the family. There's so much missing in his life. One night, Shawnouk gets involved in a break-in. When the home-owner turns up, Shawnouk pushes himself between the man and the gun. In the end, he is the one with blood on his hands. He goes into hiding in the vast forests of Québec. In the search for his roots, he faces regret, pain and anger. Fire and smoke, the ancient trees, and the music of his ancestors help Shawnouk to face his biggest challenge: the confrontation with himself.

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Well, Before the Streets (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Before the Streets (2016) itselft directed by Catherine Lachance, Chloé Leriche and Starring by Rykko Bellemare, Janis Ottawa, Kwena Bellemare Boivin, Martin Dubreuil, Jacques Newashish which made Before the Streets (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Before the Streets (2016)

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18 Feb 2016 #Canada