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It Hits You When You Know It 2020 Film complet filmtoon


Movies Detail of It Hits You When You Know It (2020)

✓ Title : It Hits You When You Know It
✓ Release Date : November 5th, 2020
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 81 minutes
✓ Director : Devon Armstrong
✓ Writer : Elisa Manzini
✓ Company : Rent-Free Records
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Bruce Nehlsen, Phylicia Wissa, Patrick Joseph Rieger, Jacqueline Cereceres, Katy Dolle, Cameron McCormick, Anthony J. Tremé, Phillip Musumeci, Roger Payano

Synopsis of It Hits You When You Know It (2020)

Nicole is a struggling writer who misses her ex boyfriend; Chris is a frustrated studio musician who misses his band; Mary is a married yoga instructor who misses some excitement; they're best friends since high school and they get together to celebrate the wedding of another high school BFFE, Julia. Nicole brings some motivational books and a notepad, Chris his guitar and a bottle of Jack, Mary brings Ted, her workaholic husband. It's all fun and games until Adam, Nicole's ex, arrives with his new girlfriend, the exotic, young and clever Veronica, and the Pandora's box is opened. Now Nicole wants Adam back, Chris wants to get drunk and Mary has a confession to make. While everything goes sour, their personal dramas must be put on hold when tragedy hits and the wedding is suddenly canceled.

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Well, It Hits You When You Know It (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The It Hits You When You Know It (2020) itselft directed by Devon Armstrong and Starring by Bruce Nehlsen, Phylicia Wissa, Patrick Joseph Rieger, Jacqueline Cereceres, Katy Dolle, Cameron McCormick, Anthony J. Tremé, Phillip Musumeci, Roger Payano which made It Hits You When You Know It (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

It Hits You When You Know It (2020)

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