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Movies Detail of It Must Be Heaven (2019)

✓ Title : It Must Be Heaven
✓ Release Date : December 4th, 2019
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Directors : Elia Suleiman, Jeremy Peter Allen, Barbara Canale, Reem Jubran, Jeanne Tassy, Marylou Weber
✓ Writer : Elia Suleiman
✓ Companies : Rectangle Productions, Nazira Films, Pallas Film, Zeyno Film, Abbout Productions, Wild Bunch, Possibles Média
✓ Countries : Canada, France, Germany, Palestinian Territory, Qatar, Turkey
✓ Cast : Holden Wong, Alain Dahan, Stephen McHattie, Sébastien Beaulac, Kwasi Songui, Vincent Maraval, Ali Suliman, Elia Suleiman, Gael García Bernal, Grégoire Colin

Synopsis of It Must Be Heaven (2019)

Filmmaker Elia Suleiman travels to different cities and finds unexpected parallels to his homeland of Palestine.

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Well, It Must Be Heaven (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The It Must Be Heaven (2019) itselft directed by Elia Suleiman, Jeremy Peter Allen, Barbara Canale, Reem Jubran, Jeanne Tassy, Marylou Weber and Starring by Holden Wong, Alain Dahan, Stephen McHattie, Sébastien Beaulac, Kwasi Songui, Vincent Maraval, Ali Suliman, Elia Suleiman, Gael García Bernal, Grégoire Colin which made It Must Be Heaven (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

It Must Be Heaven (2019)

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