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Peliculas {Soul Ache} Gratis Pelicula Completa HD online Espanol y latino


Movies Detail of Soul Ache (1998)

✓ Title : Soul Ache
✓ Original Title : Agujetas en el alma
✓ Release Date : August 14th, 1998
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Directors : Fernando Merinero, María Guerra, Bruno Buzzi, Pedro Comesaña, Jorge Mora Fernández, María Feguerra
✓ Companies : Artcam International, Axelotil Film, Canal+ España
✓ Countries : Spain, France, Italy
✓ Cast : Victoria Sáez, Carme Elias, Joan Potau, Angélica Revert, Martxelo Rubio, Myriam Mézières, Alfredo Cernuda, Mapi Galán, Bruno Buzzi, Nathalie Seseña

Synopsis of Soul Ache (1998)

Aitor is a director making a film about a lonely man looking for love, called “Soul Ache.” While he uses his auditions to meet women, he really longs to cast actress Myriam Mezieres in the film.

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Well, Soul Ache (1998) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Soul Ache (1998) itselft directed by Fernando Merinero, María Guerra, Bruno Buzzi, Pedro Comesaña, Jorge Mora Fernández, María Feguerra and Starring by Victoria Sáez, Carme Elias, Joan Potau, Angélica Revert, Martxelo Rubio, Myriam Mézières, Alfredo Cernuda, Mapi Galán, Bruno Buzzi, Nathalie Seseña which made Soul Ache (1998) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Soul Ache (1998)

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