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Watch.!HD November Rule (2015) Full Movie Online Free 123Movies


Movies Detail of November Rule (2015)

✓ Title : November Rule
✓ Release Date : February 14th, 2015
✓ Genres : Comedy, Romance
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Director : Mike Elliott
✓ Writers : Candice Childress, Juwan Lee, Cecelia Ross
✓ Cast : Mo McRae, Macy Gray, Kali Hawk, Jay Ellis, Rick Gonzalez, María Conchita Alonso, Faizon Love, DJ Qualls, Tatyana Ali, Starshell

Synopsis of November Rule (2015)

Up-and-coming sports shoe entrepreneur Steve, who is still reeling from the death of his dad, has made a "November rule" in order to keep his distance from the women who seem to be getting too serious about their relationship. Every November 1st, Steve makes up a whopping lie in order to break up with his current girlfriend. However, this year, when he gives the beautiful Leah her walking papers, he realizes his immature and arbitrary rule has just lost him the woman of his dreams. But whether he can win Leah back seems increasingly doubtful, especially after she starts dating pro sports star, James Avedon.

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Well, November Rule (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The November Rule (2015) itselft directed by Mike Elliott and Starring by Mo McRae, Macy Gray, Kali Hawk, Jay Ellis, Rick Gonzalez, María Conchita Alonso, Faizon Love, DJ Qualls, Tatyana Ali, Starshell which made November Rule (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

November Rule (2015)

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